Leigh’s Divorce Story
After 22 years of marriage, my husband and I have decided to part ways. We have five beautiful children together (four of whom are still living at home). We had so much fun for 17 years than the last 5 went downhill quick. At the end of the 5 years, I realized our relationship had run its course; which was a stunner because I thought we would be together forever.
I fought so hard for five years to try and do whatever I could to make our marriage work. I worked so hard that I eventually made myself sick. (P.S. anytime something feels that desperate and unhealthy, stop!)
Once we knew the divorce was imminent and David moved out, I fell shattered. All kinds of overpowering thoughts and emotions washed over me such as; feeling like a failure, unlovable, all alone, powerless, and utterly lost.
I was curled up on the couch crying. I had felt the pain and was now suffering by reliving every moment in my mind over and over. One day I stopped. I had had enough and was ready for new action. I stood up, took a deep breath, looked down for the foundation I thought my life was built on—it was gone. But wait...I was still standing.
I took a few slow deep breaths, then reached down to my shins and started feeling my way up my body. Knees, hips, belly, shoulders then to my head. I reached my arms up to God and said, "Use me, God. I am ready. What do you have in store for me? What will you have me do now that I am no longer David Koechner’s wife?"
In that moment, I felt a shift. It might be described as a burden lifted or a feeling like everything was going to be okay...actually better than okay.
David and I are currently mediating our divorce. At the start, I was filled with feelings of anger, fear, and victimization. As time passed I started speaking up during mediation. I began educating myself when things were unclear, knowing what I deserved from mediation, and asking for help when I needed it. This newfound strength partnered with practicing Self-Care, allowed me to move from Pain to Power & from Anger to Love.
All of the work that I do is to remind myself and others You Are Not Alone. I teach from what I have experienced and share the tools I created to thrive.
I have my Masters in Spiritual Psychology, host the messy imperfect life with leigh podcast, and am the Executive Producer on The Mindfulness Movement Documentary.
I was raised in Kansas City by my mentally ill mother who was locked behind her bedroom door. When I got into the parenting game I felt like a blank slate because I didn’t have a role model. Yet eventually I became the Parenting Expert for Deepak Chopra’s Global Wellbeing app.
My life is magical that way. What God gives me as a struggle I turn into my understanding, compassion, and teaching. My childlike curiosity and wiring to fun have been big blessings in my life.
I am most excited about For The Love Of Divorce Online Course than most of the other work I have done. Why? Because it was the quickest I moved from Pain to Power. I cut out the suffering part and will show you how to do it too. Pain is Inevitable. Suffering is Optional. Let’s opt-out of suffering and get back to Love.
This course was created to guide you back to You- guide you back to Love. Let’s fill you up with so much love it can bubble onto those around you.
Think about this as we begin:
Life isn’t happening to you; it is happening for you.